Monday, October 27, 2014

I'm not Afraid of the Dark, I Just REALLY Like the Light:)

So this morning was the first day of my “start my day right” challenge.  My niece has been my inspiration to this one because of her upbeat perspective on changing things for the better (you can read about her journey on her blog at  I am not trying to lose a bunch of weight but I am trying to keep myself balanced.  The only way I can do this is by starting it off first thing in the morning.  So I decided to get up early and go walking.  Not huge, I know, but it’s something. 

When I stepped outside I realized that it was REALLY dark this early in the morning.  I mean that the streets weren't that well lit.  They have street lamps in my area but it’s not like Canada, where it seemed that there was a street lamp every few houses.  Although I did find that I was extremely pleased because the darkness helped the stars to be the brightest I had ever seen in Utah.  Not a cloud in the sky and they were crystal clear; I think I even could see the Milky Way.  This beautiful sight gave me the boost to keep me going, so off I went. 

As I was going I started to notice that the pattern in which I was subconsciously walking that I was trying to stay in the tiny patches of light that I could find.  Some people might find it weird that a 37 year old woman is afraid of the dark, but the way I look at it is that I’m not afraid of the dark I just really like the feeling of safety when I can stand in the light.  I find the things that bring light to me make me smile, just like the stars that lit the night sky, so does the smile on my children’s face have the same effect.
Some may find the cloaking of the dark to be comforting… they aren't as easily seen and so there is something that they might find comforting in those moments.  To some degree I can understand this thought process, but then I step into the light and I remember how good it feels.  In today’s world there are a lot of dark moments, sad moments, scary moments, and we may feel like the darkness is closing in; but at those moments I have to step closer to that something that brings light and joy to my life.  

As I continued on my walk I was listening to talks that were given during General Conference for my church.  A talk came on titled, “Which Way Do You Face?” by Elder Lynn G. Robbins.  This talk was just what I needed to add onto my journey of walking closer to the light.  There are so many things that could point us away from the things that we know to be true, but if we realize that the ultimate source of light is our Heavenly Father and returning to Him, then stepping closer to those things that leads me there becomes easier to do.  As I do this my hope and prayer is that my children will follow because the joy won’t be as complete unless they are there with me.

1 comment:

Sarey1127 said...

Awesome insights Missy! Love your thought process.